
Fallout new vegas cap glitch
Fallout new vegas cap glitch

fallout new vegas cap glitch

During the Bethesda Softworks London event on April 20, 2009, the company announced the development of a new video game entry in the Fallout franchise, in development at Obsidian Entertainment. The Obsidian higher-ups quickly agreed with Bethesda and work on the game was started shortly thereafter.

fallout new vegas cap glitch fallout new vegas cap glitch

Sometime in early 2009 Obsidian Entertainment was approached by Bethesda Softworks to develop a title in the Fallout franchise for them. Players are then free to explore the Mojave in order to find the identity of their assailant and why the package they were carrying was so important. After all of his tests are finished, he gives the player some items, including a Pip-Boy 3000 and then sends them on their way. Once those are answered, he gives the player a Rorschach test. After that, he asks players some word association questions. Soon after, Mitchell shows players the Vit-O-Matic Vigor-Tester. After the bullet fragments are removed and the wound is cleaned and healed, Mitchell asks players their name afterwards, he holds a mirror in front of the player and asks if he "left anything out of place," and this is where players create and customize the look of their character. Once players are back at the town, Mitchell removes the bullet pieces that were scattered in their skull. Victor then brings the courier to the small, nearby Nevada town of Goodsprings, more specifically to the home of Doc Mitchell, the town's resident doctor.

fallout new vegas cap glitch

The courier is then found by Victor the Securitron, a robot who happened to see the murder attempt from afar and dug the courier out of the potential grave once the assailants left the crime scene. Players control a wasteland courier who, at the beginning of the game, is shot in the head by an unknown assailant in a checkered suit, and buried in a shallow grave while attempting to travel to the town of Primm. pointsįallout: New Vegas takes place in and near its titular city, three years after the events of Fallout 3. Story The Vit-O-Matic allows players to place their S.P.E.C.I.A.L.

Fallout new vegas cap glitch